conducted at the NTS from September thru Cctoder 1950 and consistei of
37 shots. A summary of the shot information for the six Shots for which

initial garma data are available is presented in Table 3.11

The meteors-

logical conditions at shot time are given in Table 3.112.















ch ie @


(«) US=R2) Gamma measurements for Shots Fig, Hamilton, and Humdpoke
were provided by CWL (Reference 59).
NBS film badges in steel cor: e+
which were screwed onto steel stakes were the principal detectors x
For Shot Fig, the detector stations were placed as follows: thirzuy-s
film-badge stake stations on land; four Emmett devices on land; eignt Tilmbadge stations on land and water along the Project 2. ha neutron Lire; and
seven film-badge stations hung vertically from the Project 2.11 ba-loon
The slant ranges reported for the balloon line are not exact since
the position of the cable was estimated.
Also, this estimated slar range
would apply only for the prompt and nitrogen-capture
the fission-product radiation since the fireodall and cloud ravcidly ascend,
and this radiation source would pass within the same distance ffor
It must also be remembered that the air density decre2
altitude and may affect the gamma results.
The 143° line was per
to the long axis of the weapon.

(0) tTe=nBy. The main gamma instrumentation for Shot Hamilton comprised 36

film-badge stakes and 4 Emmett devices.
These data were lost necause of
an accident during film development.
The films used for gamma surrort

measurements for Project 4.2 were undamaged (Reference 60).

lines were perpendicular to the

The 150° ard

long axis of the weacon.

(V Tessa) Shot Humboldt was unexvectedly moved to another area one day
prior to shot day; thus only one Line could be instrumented.
Film dadzges
in pipe nipples were attached to the neutron line out to 400 yards and
were pulled out of the area within 10 minutes after detonation.
out, film badges were taped to stakes and goal posts of unknown composition
and dimensions.
This line was perpendicular to the long axis of tne weap
U STR) Residual contamination was generally negligible.
The 20-7270
station at Shot Hamilton was in the upwind direction and the dose rate

was less than 10 r/hr at H+l hour.

The 30-yard station on the 142° Line

for Shot Fig was recovered within 5-10 minutes.
All the water stsciors
were recovered within 10 minutes.
The residual contamination, data for
Shot Fig were obtained from Reference 61.
The H+l-hour readings were
used to calculate the total residual dose from 10 minutes to the time of

recovery (24 hours).


Select target paragraph3