ime interval from 0 to 20 seconds.


the Emre tt Gi Be and from film

side of the Ermett device (1/2 Emmett) and Pi Lm

SRDL did not recommend the use of "betatron cor

(U) Residual radiation values were obtained from Referens: 2u for
Most of these residual values were estima
all shots of interest.
The residual radiation contribution from each shot for which aziru

recovery time were reported was

determined to be negligibvie.

(U) The neutron data were obtained by USANDL (R

the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) (Reference
presents the neutron data in the form of grap
slant-range-squared versus slant-range, ard ar
For those shots for which gold-neutr
gold-neutron data were estimated from the ratio o
similar shots.

(U) Reference 58 presents the neutron data in tabular form as
as graphically, thus allowing more preciss determination of flux values.
Neutron data for Shot Priscilla at distances between 400 and 6CO yards
were very erratic and did not follow the parallel-line assumption.

placement of the detectors appeared to be the disturbing factor.


detectors were placed among many structures and other installatiors,


which may have caused scattering and other disturbances in the flux Tiel

These measurements, although an indication of the actual flux at the
point of measurement, probably did not give a true picture of the freefield flux.
For the free-field flux at these distances, the values waren
from an extrapolation of the curve obtained from graching
ranse-squarec versus slant-range protably give a more


(U) Neutron fluxes from Shot Smoky were ootained to evaluate
effects of terrain on neutron measurements.
Since the terra:

were pronounced, the neutron data can not be extrapolated to ai ances
other than these at which actual measurements were made.

(U) The gamma data corrected, where possible, for neutron effects
are presented in Tables 3.93 thru 3.110.
The film data reported are baxes
from NBS film badge measurements uniess stated otherwise.
Curves of gam
dose-times-slant-range-squared versus slant-range are

3.64 thru 3.81.

shown in Figures

(U) Operation Hardtack was a two-phase operation:

Phase I was con-

ducted at the PPG from May thru August 1958 and consisted of 35 shots
which included the first very-high-altitude detonstions;


Phase II was

Select target paragraph3