(U) Gamma measurements were mad? by SRDL (Referen ze
Force School of Aviation Medicine (SAM) (Reference 51), Ai


Weapons Center (AFSWC) (Reference 52), EG2G (Reference 53), ant a number
of different agencies for Program 2 during Shot LaPlace (Revsre:ce 54).
v) $

) AFSWC measured the variation in gamma dose with heigh aocve-


ground Sing a variety of detectors an? found that the gazca dose increased
by about a factor of 1.3 at an altitude of approximately Loc feet.
deduced that the initial gamm2 radiation is nearly moncilrectiocal and
that the bulk of the scattered radiation is of low Sel
film badge and chemical dosimeter (SAM) data at 3-foot height
sented herein to supplement the other gamma data,
Hurst and Riteh!

(Reference 55), using fission foils and chemical dosimeters in col

confirmed that the angular distribution of the neutron and gam?
at the ground was insensitive to,weapon and distance ard that ‘the
buildup was approximately 30 percent.


other gamma data were available. “EG&G used a weak film
” develoe? r, Kodax
D-76; the neutron effect on film is impossible to determine when this

developer is used (Reference 56).
position and type of stations.
the NBS film badge.

Information was also lacking

The EG&G film badge is ver; similar to


(U) The SAM used the tetrachhoroethylene two-ph ase chemical dosimeter to measure the initial gamma dose.
The dosimeter is claimei to be
fast-neutron insensitive; that is, if exposed to one rep of fast neutrons
with no gamma rays present, the. dosimeter would generate 0.83 vercent
as much acid as it would for 1 r of gamma radiation.
Therefors, no corre:tions are necessary for fast-neutron sensitivity.
The dosimetsr is
Reference 10 reports that 5.9x10° thermal
neutrons per ene produce as much acid as 1 rep of gamma rays.
During this
operation lithium shields in 1/4-inch-thick aluminum "Beer Mugs" were

used to reduce the thermal-neutron flux.
Page 23 of Reference 51 states,
"If no gamma rays are present, 3.25x10'* thermal neutrons generate as
much acid as 17r of gamma rays in the two-phase tetracnloroetrylene systen."
This is erroneous since it conflicts with statements in Ref SLEnCE | 10 b
the same author and with Reference 57 which states the® 3.25 “10°? thermsi
neutrons generate as much acid as 17r of gamma rays wren the dosimeter
is encased in the lithium shields.
Corrections for thermal-neutron
W220 al
not made when the dosimeter
was encased in lithium.



effects were

chemical dosimeters in the “Beer Mugs" were hung from steel gcai zosts

at approximately 3 feet above the ground,

(U) SRDL exposed film in NBS holders to measure gamma dose.

Most of

the film was exposed in the photographic-dosimeter transport mecharisn
(Emmett) designed to measure gamma exposure in one-second increments


Select target paragraph3