


of interest was incorrect
and new gamma
for use in this report.
Film norna? ization f a
cs (b
were used by SEL.
They were the same factors as those wse
Operation Teapot, since betatron calibrations eculd not De made for this
as for the Teapot data, these factors are i
Corrections for preshot and postshot residual centamination w S
by using drop-type mechanisms, field surveys, ard estimations.

(U) CWL was mainly interested in neutron m2
gasureneste, but chemical

dosimeters were placed in 0.434—-cm thick and 1.5-inch diameter steel
pipe nivoles to measure gamma as well as neutrer dose for Shots Yura, Er
Blackfoot, and Kickapoo.
The US Air Force (USAT) and the Atomic Energy
Commission (AEC) supplied chlorinated hydrocarton systems to measure gamma

(U) The USAF chloroform dosimeter provided the bulk of the ganna

The type of chemical used in the AEC cherical dosimeter was not
Thermal-neutron corrections were made on the USAF chlorororm

dosimeter using the value of 1.5x10° n/en? /r recommended in Reference 10.

The USAF chloroform dosimeter is claimed to be "fast neutron insensitive”.

However, the interpretation of the term "fast reutron insensitive” is open
to question, since no definite sensitivity values have been oovained.
corrections are presented for the AEC chemical dosimeters.


(U) Neutron data for Shots Yuma, Erie, Blackfoot, and Kickapoo are

available from Reference 49.
No extrapolation of the data was necessary,
since the neutron and gamma measurements were made at the same stations.
No neutron data are available for Shots Zuni, Flathead, Dakota, Navajo,
and Tewa.

(U) Che g ma: d-to and neutron corrections (where availaole) ar¢

tabulated in Tables 3.82 thru 3.90.

The station and mutual shielding

factors are presented for Shots Zuni, Flathead, Dakota, Navajo, and
Tewa, but the shield corrections are not presented since neutron corsrections must be made first.
These results are corrected for residual anc
preshot exposures.
Curves of corrected ganmeiose_tives. lant-rareeSquared versus slant-range are given in Figures 3.55 thru 3.63.



(U) Operation Plumbbob was conducted at the NTS from Arril thri October
It was the first operation in which a nuclear device was suspended
from a balloon for detonation and the first in which rocket delivery of a
nuclear warhead from an in-flight aircraft was employed.
The operation
consisted of thirty detonations:
one one-point shot, one tunnel shot, five
safety shots, one air shot, nine tower shots, and thirteen balloon shots.
A summary of the shot information is presente in Tacle 3.91, ard the
meterorclogical conditions at shot time are given in Table 3.92.


Select target paragraph3