erence 46 crerared
the neut ron data are taken from
Ysa Most of
by vthe NRL.
The date are presented in the form of g
of nvt-times= versus Slant-range and are therefore subject to interpretive errors
Tne gold-reutron data for Snot 5 show a large upwari
ation Trom the

straight-line curve at distances closer than 550 yar
firmed by neutron data obtained from Reference 44,
data used in this report for Shot 5 are the actual m

This fact is conthermal-neutr

tne straignt-line extrapolations,
The sulfur-neutro
seem low when compared to those for Shot 11, the sar
ice with ony
few modifications.
The Pu, No, and U data for Sho t 11 were obtained act
only four distances and no closer than 510 yards.

The extrapolation

the neutron curve for Shot ll may be somewhat in error, esrecially
at Gistances closer than 510 yards.
The fact that the neutron corrections
exceeded the total dose on the film at 316 yards also indicates that the
extrapolation of tne neutron curves to the snorter distances may ose in

The total fast or Pu neutron flux for Shot 3 was estimated using

Pu to S ratio for Shot 11.

(U) The gamma data are presented in Tables 3.67 thru 3.79. Curve 3
oT gamma-dose-times-slant-range=-squared versus slant-range are cresentec

in Figures 3-42 thru 3,54,



(U) Operation Redwing was conducted at the PPG from May thru July
The operation consisted of seventeen detonations:
two airdroovs,
five water-surface shots, three Llimited-land-surface 3n ot S, Six tower
Table 2,2
snots, and one shot on a barge in shallow water over a re ef,
covides the pertinent informstion for the shots for wh ie h successful
mma measurements were ooteined.
The meteorological da
at a are given in

(U) Gamma measurements were made by SEL (Reference 47), LASL
(Peference 48), and the US Army Chemical Warfare Laboratories (CWL) (Re?erence 49). LASL attempted to differentiate the initial-gamma-radiations

versus time by using films in "drop gadget" instruments during Shots
Lakota, Navajo, and Tewa,

Only data from Shot Navajo were usable.

(U) SEL obtained initial gamma data from Shots Zuni, Flathead, Daxoza,

navajo, and Tewa.
The NBS film badge positioned in 4 number or different
shields was used as the primary dosimeter,
Station ard mutual dosimeter
shielding factors (effects of one detector on another) were calculated
However, the estimation of the average gamma energy at the dist


Select target paragraph3