

(Re feren

Shields wer
Slant range.
because a weak
ported here.

(U) Los Alamos Project 13.3a (Reference 42) attempted to resolve

the discrepancy between the Los Alamos AW film oads= and the NSS Tilrbadge results, by comparing them with energy-iniependent Victoreen t
chamber readings.
The results were discussed in Chapter 2.
The 136 ard
AW badges were exposed on metal stakes to the radiation from Shorts 6, 4,
9, 13, and 14.
The measurements obtained from Shot 13 were afferied by

the cloud passing over the instrument line.

Tne NBS film-caige results

obtained by LASL are presented tb supplement the SerDL gamma data and no
distinction is male between the two in the table
(U) The bulk of the gamma data reported was obtained from the SRDL
The NBS film badges were expose in aluminum holders a

to metal stakes.

It was assumed that the aluminum holders were t/t

altitude shot.

pau oO)



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thick so that attenuation of the gamma radiation was negligibie.
dosimetérs were exposed in the upwind direction and recov
3S 3007 4s
practicable; therefore no residual radiation corrections were necessary.
The film badges were exposed in 3/8- inch steel drop canisters for tre hignh-

Windows covered with 1/16-inch aluminum were dri?~led

the canister to expose the film.
However, if the radiation di
directly through the alumimim window it had to pass through th
as well as the surrounding instrumentation which was not des
the orientation of the canisters is not reported, no shield
were m: i2 for this shot.

(U) SRDL used "betatron correction factors" to account for 2 diffe:-

ence in calibration curves for the various emisions when usi
tion as opposed to betatron radiation.
These factors are igno:


report, since "“betatron correction factors" reported in Appendix C of


Reference 45 -- which were obtained by use of the same betatron machine
and film eumisions as those used by SRDL -- do not agree with SrDL resul

SRDL considered the "betatron correction factors” for previous oper

to be negligible excent for 508 film emulsion which was not usei duric
Operation Teapot.
No experimental confirmation was obtainrei

"“petatron correction factors", during subsequent operation1s

(U) The underground detonation, Shot 7, was instrumented with ives
film badges to obtain residual radiation measurements
and is not décztribed
in this report.
The Shot 11 gamma data out to 1204 yards are a comgscsite

of © , 45° and 90° lines.

The gamma data at 412, 510, and 608 yaric for

Shot 11 are questionable because the emulsions used at these stations
were exposed below or above their normal ranges.


Select target paragraph3