

(U) Operation Castle was conducted at the PPG during th

thru May 1954.

The operation consisted of six detonatiorns:

two lani

surface ard four barge shots.
Pertinent shot information and m
ical data for the three shots for which gamma data are aveilat
sented in Tables 3.62 and 3.63,


(U) Initial gamma measurements were attempted by the USA Sisnal
Engineering Laboratories (SEL) for Shots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 (Reference LO).
Most of the detectors were either destroyed or contaminated so that daca

from only nine stations from Shots 3, 4, and 6 were usable. Data wers
obtained from NBS film badges and chemical dosimeters shielded by 0.25-inch
aluminum pipes.

(U) Neutron data for Shots 4 and 6 are available from Reference 41.

Data from only two neutron stations are reported for Snot 6, and only two
of the eight stations for which neutron data are available for Shot 4
had clear line of sight.
No neutron data were obtainei for Shot 3.
general the neutron results are inadequate because of contamination,

excessive time lapses before recovery, and loss of sta*ions.

(U) The gamma data from Shots 3, 4, and 6 are presented in Tables
No neutron data or corrections are


Curves of gamma -dos¢-~

times-slant-distance-squared versus slant-distance for Shots 3 ard 6 are

given in Figures 3.40 and 3.41.


(U) Operation Teapot was conducted from February thru May 1955 at

the NTS.
The operation consisted of fourteen detonations:
ten tower
shots, three airdrops (one of which was a high-altitude detonation), and
one underground shot.
Table 3.65 provides the pertinent information for
the shots for which gamma measurements were made.
The metecrological

data are given in Table 3.66.

(u) Gamma measurements were made by a number of groups during Overs-

tion Teapot; however, only the LASL (Reference 42) and USA Signal Research

and Development Laboratory (SRDL) (Reference 43) projects were mainly
concerned with free field initial gamma measurements.

Gamma data from

chemical dosimeters are presented for Shots 9 and 10 (Reference Lh) to

supplement the SRDL data.
These chemical dosimeter values are considered
to be less accurate than the film data, since the fast-neutron sensitivity
of these dosimeters was unknown.
Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier, Inc.
(EG&G ) reported many film gamma measurements for a shielding project


Select target paragraph3