being necessary for fallout contributions.

From comparison of fallout

contours for this cperation (Reference 24), the initial gamma detectors

obviously were placed far enough from ground zero,

if they were in either

the upwind or cross wind direction, for the fallout effect to be negligi-

ble. Large limonite blocks were placed in the towers for Shots 2 and 7
in such a position es to attenuate the radiation east of the tower.
gamma line for Shot 2 was east, and the gamma lines for Shot 7 were east
and south.
Only the south line data are reported for Shot 7.
corrections were made in Reference 36 for the gamma data obtained for Shot
The neutron correction factors used in Reference 36 are erroneous
and the neutron fluxes used are suspect.
SCEL was one of the groups which
reversed the order of Snots 5 and 6,

and Shots 8 and 10.

distances as radial distance from GZ, not as slant range.

SCEL reported

(v {s<kD) LASL obtained their gamma measurements from five
film types
The films covered the
in th2 AW holder attached to angle-iron staxes.
range from 0.1 to 2000 r.
No azimuths are given for Shots 5, 6, and il,
ari no mention is made of fallout affecting the detectors.
‘sriation of
gtmma exposure with neight above the ground, frem cne-half “uot to 10
feet, was measured at Shot 10; the variation did not exceed +5 percent
for the slant distances of 2000 to 3000 yards.

(U) The garma data obtained by the two projects agreed fairly well
for Shots 6 and 10.

The LASL data were slightly higher for Shot 5.

(0) S=S>neutron measurements were made by LASL (Reference 37) for

Shots 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 10, and by NRL (Reference 38) for Shots 8,

9, and 10.
The neutron data for Shot 10 were taken from NRL data.
Unfortunately, soze of the LASL neutron data were taken for diagnostic
measurements and were urmusable for this report.

are available for Snots &, 9, 10 (Keference 3yJ.
first attempt to
objective of the
to obtain ratios
shelters, it was


Plutonium-neutron aata

Since this was the

neutron flux with plutonium detectors and the
which obtained the plutonium-neutron data was
neutron flux inside and outside Civil Defense
not to use these data.

(U) The SCEL gamma data and the neutron corrections, where avain able
Curves of the SCEL ganma-a ose-

are presented in Tables 3.49 thru 3.57.

times-slart-distance-squared versus slant-distance are presented in

Figures 3.30 thru 3.38.

The LASL gamma data and neutron-flux data are

given in Tables 3.58 thru 3.61.
The LASL gamma data for Shot 11 timesslant-range-Saquarei versus slant-range are cresented in Figure 3.39.


Select target paragraph3