films that did drop indicated much smaller deses than those films which
remained above ground.
Although the tire of dropsing is unknown, the
films might reasonably be assumed to have dropred before the arrival of
Only the dropped-film data are presented with error limits wnien
do not include the error due to dropping time.
No neutron corrections are
presented since the neutron flux was negligible.

(U) The AW film badge was assumed to be bolted to angle-iron
Ase >

for Shot King.
All film badges Located from 700 to 1709 yards from ground
zero were destroyed; the rest were recovered the day artee the snot.
readings indicated that residual activity was negligibie.
All gama stations for both shots were on land.

(U) Reference 13 gives some gold and sulfur data for the two snows.
These data were extrapolated to the slant ranges of interest

(U) The gamma data for both shots as well as the neutron
for Shot King, are presented in Tables 3.45 and 3.46. Correct
dose-times-slant-range-squared versus slant-range for Shot Ki
in Figure 3.29.



(U) Operation Upshot-Knothole was conducted at the NTS from March to

June 1953.
The operation consisted of 11 detorations highlighted by Shot
10, which was an atomic weapon fired from a cannon.
The pertinent she

information and meteorological data are given in Tables 3.47 and 2. LS

It should be noted that in some of the WT reporss For this
overation, the order of Shots 5 and 6 and Shots 8 and 9 was reversed
Table 3.47 lists the
date of detcnation.

shot numbers

strictly according to chronolsg

UXS-ROTInitial gamma measurements were made by LASL

(Reference 35)

for Shots 5, 6, 10, and 11 and by SCEL (Reference 36) for Shots 1, 2, 3,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The SCEL gamma detectors consisted of five film
types encased in NBS holders and attached to aluminum staxes assumed to

be 1/4-inch thick.

The film range was from 0 to 12,000 r.

The detectors

were recovered approximately 3 hours arter detonation.
No azimuth is
given for Shots 1, 3, 6, and 9, and no mention is made of corrections


Select target paragraph3