(Ann Whitman file)





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The Director of Central Intelligence alluded to the fact
that at the previous meeting ‘of the National Security Council he

had mentioned the possibility thet the Russians had just tested

either an ICEM or an earth satellite. The evidence wes somewhat
clearer now than a week ago. While we were still unable to pro-

duce hard information, it now seemed likely that this had been a

test of an ICEM, with a range of perhaps 3500 miles.
constitute the third Soviet ICBM test shot.

This would

Turning to the situation in Indonesia, Mr. Dulles said
that if there was to be a climax in Indonesia, we were on the
point of reaching it; but one has to be very skeptical about the
Indonesiens and about any climax. As a people, the Indonesians
often do a lot of talking, accompanied by very little action; but
it seems that the dissidents will join in submitting an ultimatum
to the Djekearta government on the 7th of February.

of the dissidents has
ports of this meeting
about Sukarno. He is
had departed, Sukarno


In brief, the

Meanwhile, en envoy

been in cnpntect with Sukarno in Tokyo. Reseemed to be in character with what we know
alleged to have wept; but after the envoy
hed sent instructions to Djakarta to make

no change in policy. Accordingly, his tears may have been of the
crocodile variety.
The date of Sukarno's return to Indonesia has

now been set for February 15.

Meanwhile, there have been some negotiations between the
Centrel Government and the dissidents on Sumatra. The letter have
now in reediness a complete new Cabinet for Indonesia. Mr. Dulles
thought it likely that the ultimatum would be presented by the dissidents, and that the government would then suggest further negotiations. Sukarno would then return, after which anything could
heppen~-possibly a blow-up.

‘The great problem is where the Army

stands, particularly the forces in Java. These forces seem divided in their loyalty between the dissidents and the Centrel
Goverment. The military capebilities of the dissidents have
recently improved, although they profess to fear greatly en air
attack from Java.

The Sultan of Pjocjakarta has arrived in Washington, allegcdly to take part in a conference on tourism. This was very
queer conduct for the Sultan, but e great many Indonesien fencesitters are busy getting out of the way until the situation clar-

ifies. Mr. Dulles concluded by predicting the possibility that,
wuatever happened, the outer islends would split off from Java.

Mr. Dulles said that the details with respect to the
union of Sgypt and Syria were far from clear, although it was
sure thet Nesser was to be the boss of the new Arab state. Public




ultimatum sill say “clean up or clear out".

Select target paragraph3