

October 10,
Page 4

21 Sep to 5 Oct 1979


an afternoon baseball game.
squall about 2130.

Our side won 13 to 10.

Heavy rain

One blood sample and one x-ray photo taken.

Most of the medical team wants to leave for Utirik.
Pratt seemed
to agree if the dentist has seen everyone he need to.
September 26 - Pratt decided that we should leave tomorrow at

The medical team started packing boxes in the afternoon
and closing the dispensary.
At 0930 Pratt asked me to meet him

on shore.
He advised that Nick had talked to him about a problem.
Apparently, Keith and Larry had brought some booze (Vodka) to

shore the previous evening and went to Freddy and Rosa's house.
Rosa was complaining because her husband and a few others got

I talked to her and Nick and then returned to the ship.

Keith owned up to bringing the vodka over and said he was sorry
he did.
He also said that Larry wasn't guilty.
I mentioned to
him that it would be good to apologize to Nick and Rosa which
he did.
He also saw Pratt about it and hopefully Pratt won't
make mention of it in his report.
This type of thing Pratt would
love to hang U. S. Oceanography with.
Movie on shore tonight (Kung Fu) after dinner.
At 1830 a group
of us went to Rongelap to show the movie.
Just as Peter Heotis
and Jan Kocian were loading the projector,

someone started a

green pickup truck and was racing the engine.
He drove the truck
right up to the table and the person jumped out of the truck and
started screaming for Bill - where is Bill? He did not get an

answer and he then backed the truck up and took aim at the
projector table.
Jan Kocian managed to pick up the projector and

ran behind a tree.
The man then drove the truck into the table
and knocked it over.
He then started driving around in circles
very erractically, trying to hit one or any of the Americans.
Nick finally stopped the driver and asked me to call Majuro for
a policeman.
The man was identified as Ebel Atti from Ebon Atoll.
Bill Scott had previously asked Atti's wife if he could borrow
the truck to bring the projector and generator from the dispensary
to the clear area to show the movies.
She gave Bill the keys but
did not inform her husband.
He had been drinking and became
incensed when he could not find the truck.
That is when the above
incident transpired.
After the incident with the truck we dis-

mantled the equipment and everyone went back to the ship.
and Nick came aboard several minutes later and the three of us
talked about the incident.
I asked Jobwe and Nick ({1) if the man






was drunk.
Yes. (2) What was he drinking? Vodka.
(3) Where did
‘he get the vodka? He brought it with him on the last field trip
(4) Was this part of the vodka that Keith Coberly gave to
Freddie last Night? No.
(5) Are you sure? Yes.
Ebel said he

Select target paragraph3