

21 Sep to 5 Oct 1979

October 10, 1979
Page 3

resume physicals and fitting glasses.

came to ship for dental work.

Approximately ten people

Two doctors spent most of the

afternoon snorkeling.
Bill Scott asked permission for three
Marshallese to be fed lunch with us for helping with patients.
informed him it was okay and I told Keith and Larry (cook).
also talked to Keith about the Magistrate's family having dinner
on ship and also about giving ship stores to people.

food and privately traded items are authorized.
Government property is to be given away.

A community meeting had been scheduled for 1830 hours.
started at 1900.

Only gift

No U. S.

The meeting

After receiving leis from Jobwe's wife, Dr. Pratt

introduced all the medical team and myself.
He told the people
that I was the DOE representative.
The first question I was asked

was about the lease agreement for the land under the DOE trailer

that the Boas family’ is living in.
A copy of the letter of
transmittal was shown to me that paid the lease until June 1980.
The sum of $160 for Rongelap and Utirik was sent to TTPI in Saipan.

I advised the person to contact his Nitijela representative because
the TTPI was sent the money.

Several questions were then asked relating to the per diem claims.
One from Mena was for per diem for two people that went to Majuro
in 1977 and have since passed away.
Then Tima wanted to know
about per diem for dental work done on Ebeye.
I explained that
per diem was not paid for dental or accident referrals.

woman, Mona, asked where the money was kept for the per diem claims.
I said the money is paid by the Government of the Marshall Islands
and the money is in Majuro.
Harry Boas asked about a law passed
by U. S. Government to give the people of Rongelap $100,000.
also said that Harry Brown mentioned it the last time he was out.
September 24 - Departed for Rongelap at 0830.
Pratt was suffering
from Majuro revenge and did not accompany the team.
I waited at

the clinic until 1130 when we all returned to the ship for lunch.

No one came to see me about per diem claims.
The doctors minus
Pratt returned to shore for afternoon work and returned to the
ship about 1530.
The dentist treated 40 patients, the lab
personnel analyzed two blood samples and took one x-ray.
Most of the crew and medical team minus the doctors went to shore
about 1830 for the movie (Circus World).
Passed out oranges and


Returned to the ship about 2230.

September 25 - Medical team went to shore about 0900 with Pratt.
Returned to ship for 1130 lunch.
Most medical team went snorkeling

and fishing in afternoon.

Peter, Sebio and Nick went fishing after

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