
October 10,

Page 5

21 Sep to 5 Oct 1979

did not get the vodka from Freddie


Do you still want us to

call Majuro for a policeman to come?
(After some discussion in
Marshallese) Yes, please call Majuro.
(Dr. Pratt entered the
conversation at this point and asked if they wanted to talk to
the council first and give us an answer im the morning.
please call them tonight.)
At 1830 Nick and I went to Keith's
cabin to call Keajalein.
We could not get through but we did
contact Chuck Otterman in Honolulu to relay the message.
Apparently, Chuck was able to contact Majuro because Larry Edwards,
Ebeye and Harry Brown, DOE, Enewetak contacted Keith the next

morning for information.
Nick and Jobwe both apologized
profusely for the incident.
I also apologized.,
All parted
that night as friends.

September 27 - The technicians brought all the medical equipment


back to the ship and closed the dispensary.
They asked how much, "
but I could not answer.
We departed Rongelap at 1300 and cleared
the pass about 1345.
The seas became very choppy because we were
heading directly into the swells.
Everytime we hit a big wave
the crane would cause both ends of the ship to oscillate violently
at times.

We were due at the Utirik pass at 0800 the next morning.

September 28 - About 0400 Keith had to slow the ship to about
four knots due to the adverse sea conditions.

2 20k to 30k headwind.


We also encountered

Our projected 0800 arrival now looked like

We made up some time when Keith changed course by 15 deg.

to try and get into the lee of Taka Atoll.
We sailed north around
Taka and entered Utirik pass at 1700.
Pulling into the lagoon was
certainly welcomed by everyone.

It was a rough voyage.

Some of

the doctors and medical personnel looked a little "green" when
they finally emerged from the forward hold.
The Acting Magistrate

Harris Kel and Andy came aboard to talk to Dr.

Pratt and myself.

He asked how long we were going to stay and what we wanted to do.
Pratt explained the program.

He then invited Harris and Andy to

join us for dinner which they did and it included Harris' boat


September 29 - It is Sabbath Day in Marshalls.
team made appearance at church.

Most of the BNL

"Day of Rest."
Town meeting at 1900.
There were many questions
regarding the dentist and whether he would be doing fillings or
just extractions.

Pratt said that the dentist could possibly do



some fillings if time permitted.


Select target paragraph3