3 “ey

this has not been considered an important criteria her. unless the radi
faery recent.

The bizarre nuclear forms, however, are most Important.

mly becama very evident when the thyroid hnermnone preduction is somewha
we antithyroid druss siven, intrcducing an intrinsic stimulus to cellul
woliferation. Tn the case of the Marsnallese, some individuals have s stained encuzn
izcreace in functicn Crorrone preduction) to reveal some laberatory ev1 ence of
These studies cf ettempting tw appraise radiation effe ts in the
‘arshallese and others have been very valuable experlences and tudgment have proved
‘0 be surprisingly reliable.
The writer returned to the Marshall Tslands with the survey team a ain in March,
At least two incre pulpabie suspicious nodules were found, one in a previously
‘xplored individual who ncw has a 4 om firm miss which is probably not
pertrophy. Plans for these two people have net yet beccme firm at th


he Utah-Nevada Study
The principal investigator has also participated in the annual e
he children in the Utah-Nevada fallout area (exposed in 1954) wnere s e endemic
oiter is present. A week has been spent in this area each of the past five years in
he annual thyroid examinations of children that had been screened fro a very large

opulation in the fallout area by a United States Public Health Service

eam. Thyrcid abnormalities which prompted concern were referred.to a
f which the writer has been cone. Those patients with thyroids judged o contain
iscrete masses have been sent to the University of Utah Medical Center in Salt Lake
ity for study. In sume instances, the masses have been removed. The pplication of

he same criteria of judgement of radiation effect in thyrcids excised f
opulation has revealed only an occasional thyroid tissue which showed

adiation effect.

Reperts are in preparacion by Dr. Marvin Rallison.

anuscript is ready for publication by Dr. Edward Weiss and others.

During the survey of the Marshallese people on Rongelap early in 1
ne exposed and unexposed population were subjected to complete examinaqi
ncluded children born after exposure to the fallout. The occurrence o
f some rather significantly enlarged thyroids in some of the adolescen
dJolescent ages was most interesting. Some of these individuals were
ao had been exposed, but these children had been conceived some years
<posure. It was surprising to see these adolescent goiters on Rongela
fF people who have been regarded as free of goiter in this iodine abund
ie significance of these priters was difficult to evaluate because ade ate
1e occurrence of adolescent enlargement in the unexposed Marshall Is
iS not available.

data on

It was suspected that some of these adolescents, al

<posed themselves, but born of previously exposed mothers, might have
1 utero by subtle thyroid deficiencies which were lingering in the mot
adioicdine from the fallout was gone. Under such an influence, the th
‘fspring might have been affected in its early development. A subsequ
ie records of maternity of these children showed that not all had been
¢posed mothers.


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