Sxhibit 2-b
page 4

"In the light of the foregoing, no action should be taken
at the present time:
a, To obtain a decision either to use or not to us
atomic weapons in cny possivle future conflict;
be To obtain o. decision .s to the time rnd circumsten
under which atomic weapons might or might not be employed,”
The iationel Security Council, on September 16, adopted the first two conclusions, dowever, the third conclusion was not approved for the reason
thet this would improperly xbsolve the Mationsl Security Council of the
responsibility of planning for the use of atomic weapons,

Consicercstion in the hational Security Council of 2

nationel policy

regerding the use of biolozical weapons and « public statement of their
potenticlities wos recommended to the Fresident by tae Secretary of Defense

on Harch 16, 1948 (copy attached ns Txhibit &>d-1),

Although the sugeested

action was not initicted in the Vation-l Security Council (pending militcory
oveluction of biologicrl wennons), tae Resenrch -né Develonment Board
had proviouslr prepared a proposed public stctement of thoir potcntinlitics
ond of the defenses agrinst chem, This paper received final clearence
by the Joint Chiefs on 10 November 1948 and was forwarded to the Scerctary
of Defonse by the Rescarch and Development Board with a strong recommends
tion for rcleaso subject to clearsnce with the White House cnd the Sicte

The DSonrd felt thet carly issuance of 2. clarifying statment

Wns importrnt becsuse of the probeblc widesorcad public discussion snd
speculntion which would result from the references to biologiccl

warfare in the

Sberstndt report , the dcclassification by the Joint

Chiefs of cortcin biologiesl werfsre m-torinls, cnd the biological warfare
defense training soon to be initinted in the three services,

On 6 Jenuary

1949, the Secretary of Defense requested the St:te Department's approval
of the proposcd release, md in so doing crow that Deportment's attention
to the implication of the lest sentence of the rclense thet the National
Wilivery Ustablishment is working toward the offcnsive use of this type
of warfere.
(Copy of the Sccrotrry's lettor is attached as Ixhibit 2-b-2.)
Recently the @ucstion of the character of the information whicn should
be released rogording the capabilities of stomic wempons was again raised
in connection with an article vritten by acmiral Parsons for 2 January
issuc of the Seturdsay Ivening Post, The effect of the article was to
dchecmphasize the importence of the atomic bomb from >. military point of
view, after consultations betwoon the Write House and the State Depart
ment, the President decided on 31 Decembcr 1948 thnt admirnl Parson's

article should mot be pubdlishcd,

Select target paragraph3