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Questions concerning the use of the atomic bomb and the

information with regard to its capabilities first arose in the Var Council
in connection with the proposed release of the "Extracted Version" of the

Final Report of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Svaluation Board for Operation
Crossroads ("Bikini Report}, This report, in eveluating the results of the
ikini tests, emphasized the capabilities of the bomb and suggested a revi-

sion of this country's traditional policy of not attacking an aggressor nation

prior to its attack on the United States, The report also suggested tnat
the Conzress review, in the light of new consicerations, the statement of

policy upon which the Atomic Imergy act is based,

(These recommendations

had been noted for possible deletion by the Joint Chicfs of Staff.)


Var Council, on 2 March 1948, tentatively agreed that the report should be
released, subject to the agreement of the State Department, That Depert|
ment, however, strongly recommonded against its release, and after reconsider-—
etion in the War Council it was decided to forward the report to the PresiGent with the rccommondation that it not be made public at that time,
The subject was reconsidered in the War Council at its meeting of

7 December 1948, as a result of (1) an article ty Mr. Bradley Dewey, a
member of the Bveluation Board which had prepared the report, which seriously criticized the withholding of its publication; (2) edvice that the

State Depertmcnt would approve the publication of the report provided tnat
the portions noted by the Joint Chiefs for possible delction wore in fact
dcleted and, further, that the report be trensmitted to tne President

through the National Sccurity Council:sané (5) changes in the intcrnational

Discussion in the ‘lar Council was inconclusive end the matter

was deferred,

of the report,

Shortly thereafter the Fresident decided egainst the rcelcase

In Nay 1948 the Scerctary of the army requested tac Netional Security

Council to develop the "position of the United States with respect to tne
initiation of atomic warfare in the cvent of war", To this cnc, the NSC
staff submittcd a report (NSC 30) which argued that the risks of public


controversy ond resulting forcign speculation which would follow the
announcement of - decision as to the use of the atomic bomb in the cvent
of war outwoigheé the adventages of a present decision, The paper concluded:


"It is recognized that, in the event of hostilitics, the
Netional Military Establishment must be ready to utilize promptly
ona cffectively all appropriate means available, inclucing atomic
weepons, in the interest of national security and must therefore
plan sccordingly.


"The decision as to the omploymcnt of ctomic wompons in the

event of war is to be made ty the Chief Lxccutive when he consiccrs

such decision to be required,



Select target paragraph3