Committee on Radiation Studies(MAIL BALLOT)

February 1954 Council Meeting







The progran described represents 2. survey typeapproach to, search-

ing for a metabolic criteria for


The research plan

outlined is diffuse, not well organized, and gives scant inforrtation on

procedures, Its scope is such that it would teke neany years to obtain
Significant data from the numerous experinents proposed, Moreover, thcre
is olready considerable infornation available on some-of the specific
ains of the project, In addition, other radiobiologic™“‘Yésearch. groups .
arc investigating sone of the listed ains, .

Finally, it is apparent that the nein purpose of the application

is to obtain funds for a high powered’ x-ray nachine, - Dr, Evans is well
known to these members of the Committee, end they feel ‘that he’ is .doing a
good, though not particularly original, work, However, since he is being

supported by the Atomic Energy Commission ond essentially for the sane:
work, and the x-ray nachine is required for those studies, it is felt
that funds for the equipnont should be provided by that agency... If that

is not possible, then in his search for additional.funds, the investigator

should present to the Public: Health ‘Service. a specific research problen
other than that supported by the Atomic’ Energy Commission, ‘It could
include an x-ray nachine, if it is needed, but - should not be essentially.
just a request for the purchase of a single piece of equipment. ;

Select target paragraph3