
Quarterly Personnel Status Report (Form SF-135).


Monthly Report of Contractor Employment.


Monthly Report of Change in Vehicle Levels.


Quarterly Report of Motor Vehicle Operation.

The following internal statements and reports were prepared by the
On-Continent Fiscal Division for the guidance of Holmes & Narver Manage-

ment and Fiscal Administrators:


Daily Summary of Reimbursible Expense and Cash Position.


Weekly Statement - Status of Commitments and Commitments Paid.

This latter report was developed during the early days of the Project

(May 1949) to supply H & N Management and Fiscal Administrators with cur-

rent, basic financial information essential to sound Contract financial

administration; and to insure at all times adherence to the provisions
of Contract Article VI governing the obligation and advancing of Contract
funds by the Atemie Energy Commission.
Close surveillance of Contract financial position was effected by
careful review of this Weekly Commitment Report, which proved to be an

extremely useful and informative tool of Management throughout the project, serving as a basis for notifications to the AEC when commitments
exceeded 85 per cent of the total funds obligated, as required by Contract Article VI.
(By Contract Modification No. 20, dated January 2},

1951, this percentage was subsequently increased to 95 per cent of the

total amount obligated.) The report also served as basis for requesting
monthly advances of funds to insure adequate funds on hand at all times
te pay current invoices and payrolls.

In March 1951, the Controller of the Joint Task Force and the Atomic

Energy Commission Director of Finance at Los Alamos requested that copies
of this theretofore exclusively internal report be furnished then.

The payrolls for all employees were prepared and paid by the Los
Angeles Fiscal Division on a weekly basis, in accordance with job classifications and rates, as contained in the Contract. Overseas employees

worked under terms of signed Employment Agreements which guaranteed 48

hours work per week, and which provided for a Contract Completion Bonus.

The on-continent payroll, supported by employees' time cards, was

prepared immediately following the close of the weekly pay period and
checks were delivered within twe days. The overseas payroll was completed and checks vere mailed within five days after the close of the
weekly payroll period. ‘To accomplish this, the On-Continent Fiscal Division prepared overseas payrolls and checks on a ctrrent basis for the


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