of the work was delayed.

This delay affected procurement of materials

and personnel and set back the Project work schedules for a corresponding


In the advance planning of functional operations and basic records,
the H & N Fiscal Division endeavored to give full consideration to the
complexities of record and report requirements peculiar to Cost-PlusFixed-Fee Contracts with government agencies, particularly in overseason-continent operation.

Guided by extensive past experience, it was an-

ticipated that many complicated problems would be encountered in efforts
to comply not only with the fiscal requirements of the AEC but with those
of the numerous governmental agencies associated with the Comaission in
a “joint-venture” arrangement on this Project. As an Integrated Contractor
of the AEC, it was the desire of Holmes & Narver to function effectively
as a member of the team engaged in this important phase of the work. To
this end, the constant efforts of the entire fiscal staff were always directed, and to this end the splendid cooperative efforts of governmental
fiscal agencies were similarly directed.


Select target paragraph3