peak-load production schedules involving both persommel and procurement

disbursements, as well as timely periodic financial reports, statements,
tax returns, accountability reports, etc.

However, for greater economy

and efficiency, a mechanical tabulating system supplied by the IBM Ser-

vice Bureau was employed in precessing the voluminous payroll tax returns.
The decision not to use a mechanical tabulating system may well be
deemed to be justified by the facts that all employees, or their family
allottees, received thelr pay checks on schedule every week throughout
the history of the Project; that all vendors’ invoices were discounted
and promptly paid, except for a few disputed cases; and that all financlal statements and reports required by the Commission, by other authorized agencies, and by Holmes & Narver, Inc., were invariably issued on
schedule each month, despite various changes or revisions required by the
greatly augmented scope of the work. Such a record of production and
services involved in a most unusual and complicated project, speaks for
itself, in spite of the accepted superior value of hindsight.
As a result of the preliminary conferences dealing with the Documentary Audit Requirements of the Commission, and as a result of the
study and development of appropriate fiscal procedures and methods of
control, the Contractor and the Commission were well prepared to formulate
and jointly agree upon the permanent fiscal provisions of the Definitive
Contract, which was negotiated and processed during the period from Janu-

ary to May 1949.

The special fiscal requirements and responsibilities under the terms
of this A-E-C-M Contract are summarized as follows:
The A-E-C-M shall organize offices at the site of work overseas,
for construction, maintenance, operation, and special services
and shall organize its central office for the engineering and
design work, together with procurement, purchasing, expediting,

and other services required.

(Art. II - 1)

In addition to the Fixed Fee, reimbursement to the A-E-C-N shall
include actual expenditures in performance of the work under the

contract, including salaries, transportation, travel, materials,

supplies, equipment and freight, storage and cartage thereon; all
subcontracts or services; Federal Social Security, applicable

state or local taxes; insurance, losses, rentals, permits, licenses, claims, counsel fees, office space and facilities, Home

Office overhead allocation; and other charges as approved or

ratified by the Commission.

(art. V - 1)

Payments to the A-E-C-M shall be made from funds advanced by the
Commission, based on audit not less often than once each three

month period.

(Art. YI)

The A-E-C-M shall keep Recerds and Books of Account at a place
mutually agreeable, showing the actual cost of all items of labor,
materials, equipment, supplies, services, and other expenditures
for which reimbursement is authorized under the provisions of the


Select target paragraph3