In order to recruit sufficient personnel to meet Jobsite requirements various means of recruitment were utilized. In the early part of
the Project most applicants were referred to the Contractor through the
Overseas Craftsmen Association (not an agency or union) and this contact
point was invaluable throughout the entire Project. The type of appli-

cant secured through this association was above average in capabilities

and one who had proved his ability to adjust himself to the conditions
prevalent with foreign employment. Newspaper advertisements were used
quite extensively as a medium, and during the peak recruiting period
advertisements were run in newspapers in a number of West Coast cities.

In January 1950, in order to take advantage of a favorable labor
market a branch personnel office was established in Honolulu. The location of this office and the formulation of an expedited security clearance program which made clearance possible within a nominal period of
time were both significant advantages to be realized. When Jobsite
experience indicated that no real problem would result from the hiring
of native Hawaiians, this area became an important recruiting center.
To meet special emergencies and to meet Jobsite peak demands for
personnel, recruiting teams conducted recruiting programs at various
locations during the project, including:

Richland, Washington. This source of supply was used on several
occasions when specific skilled classifications were required
at the Jobsite on an emergency basis. Nearly all applicants
from this area formerly worked at the AEC Hanford Project and
had been previously cleared by security. This permitted immediate utilization of these applicants and enabled the Personnel
Department to meet urgent Jobsite requirements, and valuable
employees were secured with only nominal expense involved for
security clearance.


El Centro, California and Yuma, Arizona. A recruiting team
conducted an extensive campaign at El Centro and Yuma to provide employees in the lower classifications. To meet Jobsite
requisitions, this program was very essential, as the wage
schedules being offered were below the prevailing rates in the
Los Angeles area and difficulty had been encountered in recruiting personnel for unskilled classifications,


Dallas, Texas. To meet special emergency Jobsite requests,
recruiting teams were sent to Dallas on one occasion to employ
pipefitters and on another (noted above) to employ laborers.
These recruiting trips were motivated by the availability of
the particular classifications of personnel in the area,


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