Claims Section


Processing of all claims arising out of employment.

Records Section


Maintainance of complete personnel files.

In order to meet the difficulties imposed by the continual upward
revision of the scope of work to be performed by H & N and the require-

ment that all personnel shipped to the Jobsite have at least a "Pf"

approval type of security clearance, the tempo of Personnel Department
activities was maintained at a high level in the period between January 1,
1949 and July 1, 1951. Curing this period, 30,000 applicants were
screened; 17,000 interviews were held; more than 6,200 applicants were
processed for medical and security clearances; and arrangements were
made for the movement of more than 3,300 employees overseas, A chart
of the H & N forces at the Jobsite as a consequence of these efforts is
shown in Figure 8,l-1, and a tabulation of manual and nonmanual Jobsite
and Home Office personnel is given in Table 8.1-1;

A "Manual df Standard Operating Procedures" covering all phases of
personnel activities was prepared at the inception of the Project. This
manual prescribed in great detail the personnel practices which were to
be followed, the use of all forms required by the government and by H & N
policies, and the handling of all other matters which came to the attention of the Personnel Department. Thus, for example, in connection with
interviewing, the procedure prescribed that after the interviewer has
decided that an applicant possesses sufficient qualifications for a position and has informed the applicant that he will be considered, subject
to completion of reference checks, security investigations, and medical

A- The interviewer shall select the past employers
who are to be checked and shall mark them with a
large red check on the left side of the application.
B- The application is then given to a clerk who
shall send out the Reference Check Forms. The clerk
shall enter, beside the red check made by the Interviewer, the date on which the Reference Letters are

A numerical file with numbers from 1 to 10 inclu-

sive shall be set up, in which all applications shall

be filed as soon as Reference Letters are sent.


A clerk shall file the returned Reference Letters

each day.

As they are matched with the proper appli-

cation, the letter "R" shall be entered over the red

check on the application to designate the Reference

Letter has been returned,

Select target paragraph3