The peak radiation the ship encountered averaged 0.008 R/hr (gamma

only), with a maximum of 0.035 R/hr (gamma only).

The masts above the

spray from the washdown system were the area of greatest radioactivity.
After these were hosed down and the decks washed down, the radiation
levels decreased to an average of 0.003 R/hr with a maximum of 0.02 R/hr.
On 6 November, when the ship returned to Enewetak, the radiation intensity

had decreased to an average of 0.0004 R/hr, with a maximum of 0.003 R/hr

(IPO 132.3243).


(pemo fed

The USS Radford (DDE-446) and the USS Fletcher (DDE-445) reported , — seg
radioactive fallout while at sea off of Enewetak Atoll] between midnigh®=doys

and 1200 on 3 November.

The fallout was most noticeable during and

immediately after rain squalls and averaged 0.001 R/hr, with an occasional
maximum approaching 0.003 to 0.004 R/hr (IPO 132.3#1).


required that a ship have a level below 0.0006 R/hr if it was to be given

final radiological clearance, so on 5 November TG 132.3's radsafe staff
checked all ships and pointed out areas needing further decontamination.
By 8 November all ships had radiation readings below the required level.

Conclusion of MIKE


The night of 3 November, the Commander of the Joint Task Force sent a
final radiological safety advisory to the Commander of the Pacific Fleet
stating that fallout from MIKE posed no health hazard to surface or air


Select target paragraph3