ships for several days primarily because all the support facilities had

not been reactivated (IPO 132.1#2, MIKE Inst). Heres—agatnyInerets—1r0evidence-of—padtotogicatrisktopersonnetwo-returned-te-Medren.

Although Enewetak and Medren were free of fallout, and water samples
had revealed no contamination in the southern part. of the lagoon, the
picture was exactly the reverse farther north.

Thus, all traffic north of

Medren had to be cleared through the radsafe control point in Building 57
on Medren (IPO 132#1, p. 281).

Two days after the burst, final work for

KING on Runit was possible for personnel based on Medren, and a hot lunch

was served there from a Holmes and Narver chuckwagon.

However, no one

stayed there overnight (IPO 132.1#2, KING Inst).
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Fallout on Task Force Ships

At the time MIKE was detonated, the Horizon was standing by wave
instruments at Seamount 72 approximately 72 miles (133 km) north of ground

At 0745 the ship was ordered to get underway for a new position

approximately 100 miles (185 km) north-northeast of ground zero.
after reaching the new position the crew detected fallout.
closed up, and the washdown system started.

At 1240,

The ship was

The commander of the joint

task force ordered the ship southward, and after about 2% hours of

steaming at 11.5 knots (21 km/hr), the ship reported it was clear of the


Select target paragraph3