that 30 of these men served in the Headquarters element TG 132.1 (IPO

132#1, p. 81) and the remaining served in the task units and projects
making up TG 132.1.

Identifiable Army personnel participation was ‘in

TU 1, Projects 2.1, 5.4b, 6.1, and 9.2; TU 7 (Radsafe); and TU 9

In the Consolidated List, six men were identified simply

as TG 132.1 and have been entered thus in Table 6.1.

The remaining Army

personnel identified in this group are discussed below under their home
organizations and their dosimetry is listed this way in Table 6.1.

Army Chemical Center, Chemical and Radiological Laboratories, Edgewood
Arsenal, Maryland.

Twelve men (three civilians, two Air Force

officers, and seven Army enlisted men) are cited in the Project 5.4b
report as participating in Enewetak field operations.
on the Consolidated List with exposures.

Eleven appear

In addition, eight military


from this organization served in TU 7 and were badged. \Activities of Mans von
both groups apparently brought them into contact with radioactive


material and their doses are among the highest recorded in IVY.

Dosimetry is shown in Table 6.1.

Army Chemical Corps, Office of the Chief, Washington, D.C..

from this office served in TU 7 and was badged.

Evans Signal Laboratory, Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey.

One officer


Rad Seve Rast.

Two civilians were

badged as part of Project 9.2 and may have been remotely located at
Bikini during the test period.

Their badges showed no exposure.



Select target paragraph3