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siderable hardship in meeting con-

struction deadlines was experienced.

The dismantling of the completed

VHA Scientific: Stations on Site

How and their movement and reconstruction on Johnston Island
diverted considerable quantities of
personnel, materials, equipment, and
ships from Eniwetok and Bikini


The size of Operation HARDTACK,
Phase I, embracing 35 events as
compared with 17 for Operation
REDWING, required considerable
additional construction, particularly

It was necessary to institute several emergency measures to perform the tasks of

TG 7.5. Critical_materialsand_equipment_were
rocured at

premium _prices.on.a. crash“ basis

and transported toJobsite by air. H&N was

by the CTG 7.5 to use essential

craftsmen, such as structural steel workers,
welders, electricians, pile drivers, cable crews,
plumbers, carpenters, and boat crews 12 hours
per day, seven days a week. In emergency
situations, such as laying 2,000,000 feet of cable
which had b
layed_in shipment, the Conractor was authorized

to use supervisory person-

nel and others to meet the prescribed ready


No attempt will be made to report in
detail the accomplishment of each of the
tasks assigned to TG 7.5. In brief, all assigned
tasks were completed satisfactorily. It should
be noted, however, that delays would have been
experienced in meeting established scientific
ready dates if both construction and scientific
personnel had not worked long hours of overtime. “Crash” construction was generally attributable to late delivery of supplies and lack of
approved construction drawings at critical times.
One noteworthy improvement over Operation
REDWING was in communications at Eniwetok
Atoll and between Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls.



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DMA, by TWX-NR-S88, dated 20 FebTuary 1958, stated that the President
had approved the HARDTACK program as
submitted by the Commission and had also
authorized the expenditure of the special nuclear
materials required for the HARDTACK test


The following is quoted from a memorandum from DMA to the Manager,
ALOO, dated 7 March 1958, subject “Designation of Senior Atomic Energy Commission

Representative for Operation HARDTACK:”

“The Commission, with the concurrence

of the Department of Defense, has desig-

nated Major General Alvin R. Luedecke,
Commander, Joint Task Force Seven, as
its senior representative at the Eniwetok
Proving Ground,effective March 15 (Eniwetok time) 1958, with full authority to
act for the Commission in all matters
concerning the successful execution of
Operation HARDTACK. The terminal
date for this authority cannot now be
set, but it should coincide with the end
of the operational phase of HARDTACK.
A copy of the Chairman’s letter request-

EPG the amounts of special nuclear
materials required for the sixteen LASL
and DOD shots which were enumerated
in my January 29, 1958, message, including materials for such spares as may be
required. You are also directed to transfer
custody of the nuclear devices involved
in those sixteen shots, including the ex-

spendable and spare nuclear materials re-

ferred to above, to General Luedecke,
Commander, Joint Task Force Seven,
under his delegated authority as Senior
Atomic Energy Commission Representative at the EPG. This transfer of custody
will be made effective on March 15 (Eni-

wetok time) for those devices and com-

ponents on hand in the EPG,on arrival
at the EPG for those devices and components enroute on March 15 (Eniwetok
time), and at the time subsequent to
March 15 (Eniwetok time) and place in
the continental United States that the
devices and components are delivered

plane-side for shipment to the forward
area, and will terminate with the delivery

neral Luedecke to accept this
authority is attached.

of the unexpended devices and components to the authorized AEC courier in
the continental United States on return
from the forward area, or with the end of
the operational period which will also ter-

“You are hereby authorized to ship to the
SSN materials accountability station at

Commander, Joint Task Force Seven,
whicheveris sooner.

minate the delegation of authority to the

Page 19


Select target paragraph3