“During the operational period, the Commander, Task Group 7.5 (Assistant

Joint Task Force Seven, assure yourself
that you will be able to resume your
original position of responsibility with
respect to the EPG upon the termination
of General Luedecke’s special authority.

Managerfor Test Operations, ALOO) will

have physical custody of and be accountable to the Senior AEC Representative for
all nuclear devices and their components

“As to the fiscal aspects of the operation,
agreements already in force between
ALOO and the Joint Task Force will
apply. In addition, you will support the

on handor enrouteat its start, as well as

for those placed in his custody during
the operational period. The Commander,
Task Group 7.5, will also be responsible
for the operation of the SSN materials
accountability station for the EPG. At
the end of the operational period the
Assistant Manager for Test Operations
ALOO,will resume complete custody and
be accountable to the Manager, ALOO,
for the nuclear devices and their components still on hand as of that date.
“Our delegation of authority to the
Commander, Joint Task Force Seven for
both Operation HARDTACK and the EPG during the operational phase of
HARDTACKis necessary for his successful conduct of that operation. It is recognized that we have thereby withdrawn
from you, for the period involved, certain
responsibilities which had been previously
been delegated to you. Nevertheless, it is
desired that you retain your long term
responsibility for the EPG and by means
-of direct liaison with and reports from

operational needs of Joint Task Force

Seven to the limit of the funds currently
made available to you for that purpose,
noting that General Luedecke has béen
instructed to consult with the Commission
in case operational necessity should require the expenditure of AEC fundsin excess of those available to you.
“The Commission is aware of the many
temporary administrative adjustments
and compromises required for the success
of Operation HARDTACK. Webelieve,
however, that cooperation between you
and the Commander, Joint Task Force
Seven, as in the past, will solve any
difficulties that may arise.”

In accordance with TWX-NR-1013,
dated 24 September 1958 from DMA,the
operational phase of Operation HARDTACK,
Phase I, was terminated 15 September 1958.


During. the interim, the planning, the
build-up, and part of the roll-up periods
relating to Operation HARDTACK, the maintenance and development of EPG were the responsibility of the Assistant Manager for the
Office of Test Operations as delegated to him by
the Manager, ALO, (See Figs. 1-8 and 1-9).
During these periods, the CJTF-Seven exercised
‘ no direct jurisdiction over EPG activities. He
was, however, responsible for performing operational planning and coordination.

The JTF-Seven organization became re-

sponsible for all facets of Operation

HARDTACK on 15 March 1958, when the
operational phase officially started, Command
and functional relationships are depicted on
Fig. 1-10. The CJTF-Seven was the senior AEC
representative at EPG during the operational


For Operation HARDTACK, TG 7.5
was organized as shown in Fig. 1-11.


At the beginning of the operational
period, the Assistant Manager for Test:

Operations, ALO, AEC, assumed the duties and

responsibilitiés of the CTG 7.5. The Director,

Pacific Operations Division, ALO, was the
Deputy Commander, and the Chief, Eniwetok
Branch, AEC, wasthe Chief of Staff. The personnel for the staff came from the Office of Test
Operations, ALO; the Eniwetok Branch Office,
AEG the Las Vegas Branch Office, AEC; and

The various Task Units of TG 7.5 comprised the regular divisions of H&N’s
EPG organization, augmented by Personnel for
the build-up and operational periods.


Security officers for E-2 operations were

obtained on a loan basis from ALO, SAN,

and LASL.

With the advent of Johnston Island
events, transfers from within TG 7.5 were
made without augmentation of personnel or


Detailed duties and responsibilities of the
Commander, Deputy Commander, Chief

of Staff, Resident Manager, H&N,staff officers,


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