W. J. Stanley, Director/PASO


Gift food to the community or several gallons of diesel fuel or gas

for the community boat or radio generator are accepted goodwill
gestures that would be exceptions to use ofGovernment property.

By Tuesday morning all counting was concluded, samples collected and
stored and a very moving closing meeting was held.
People were assured

at both atolls that their radiation levels continued to decrease

substantially and there was no known danger to them from radiation from
the food and water they drank, the air they breathed or the land they
lived on.
We left for Kwajalein about 10:30a on September 4.
The party held the night before we left was one of the nicest I have


Movies preceded the dinner (all 277 persons on the atoll

attended I'm sure), and following that there were traditional dances
performed by the istlanders and some not so traditional reciprocal disco
steps by mission members.
With the single exception mentioned previously the entire team worked
with and socially enjoyed the people of Utirik as friends. As with
Rongelap, the claims payments did nothing to damage this friendship.
It is time to note that at no time were we able to communicate between

the vessel and Kwajalein.

This unacceptable situation was discussed

with Kentron upon our return and agreements were reached to alter
frequencies to insure this is not repeated.

Upon our return to Kwajalein Reynold and Iimmediately went to Ebeye
by whaler to check on the possibility of more claims surfacing.
met with Jetan Anjain, Nitijela representative of the Rongelap people.
He is or was a dental officer with the TTPI and is very articulate
and vocal.
He was angry that his people had no imput into the new
medical referral subsistence agreement.
I advised him that his
government,both TT and Marshalls,had plenty of time for input but did
not do so and that this was really an internal problem.
I told him also
that while we might not always agree to what he wanted, that we should
keep an open dialogue as friends who share a common objective.
I believe
this was a productive meeting for both his government and ours. We

then met with the Utirik Nitijela representative, Donald Matthew, on


He seemed satisfied with our efforts.

In conclusion and before the recommendations I would like to acknowledge
the professional manner in which Bob Miltenberger, Ed Lessard, Allen Hunt,

Joe Balsamo, Bob Sherwin, Bob Dillingham and Jerry Rademacher carried
out this mission.
They worked long hours, rushed through or skipped
Several meals to continue their work and helped create a general atmosphere
of goodwill.

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