W. J. Stanley, Director/PASO


In addition, the owner, captain and crew of the Liktanur II performed
superbly in every area.
The work they did with showing movies, making
friends with the islanders and especially in planning cooking and
serving food and beverage for the island wide parties far exceeded their
usual duties and involved long hours.
Finally, the work of Reynold DeBrum helped us to bring this mission
back to Kwajalein successfully, a full two days ahead of what was
thought originally to be a restrictive time allotment. He learned the
various programmatic requirements quickly and performed claims work.
He translated at significant meetings, and worked aboard ship taking

histories for BNL.

He represented his government well as the Chief

Secretary's personal representative and was instrumental in explaining
policy and smoothing out individual misunderstandings.
He is well known
and respected by pebple all over the Marshall Islands as I witnessed
first hand on the Northern Marshalls Survey on the Wheeling, on the

WBC to Kili and Jaluit and this recent trip.


Reynold DeBrum be recruited as a DOE Coordinator and be based in
Majuro. He is about 45 years of age, educated at Xavier HS in
Truk (Jesuit run) and a ranking employee in the Marshall Department
of Resources and Development.
He is from Likiep Atoll and has
previously served DOE on the Northern Marshalls 13 atoll survey,
the May 1979 WBC mission to Kili-Jaluit and this trip to Rongelap
and Utirik.
He is mature, and has an open mind on radiation

related problems.

He is respected and liked by the Marshallese

people and by Americans who have worked with him.



might well be carried as an H&N employee to perform these tasks.

Arrange for meetings as required.


Serve as translator/program assistant as required.


Serve as focal point for questions and answers raised by
People regarding DOE programs.


Travel as DOE representative/translator with medical and
environmental teams to Rongelap, Utirik Likiep, etc. as




Make all logistics arrangements for medical/WBC or other
DOE missions to Majuro.




Coat B

Proposed Duties

Select target paragraph3