W. J. Stanley, Director / PASO


Due in part to the long hours worked by all BNL people and because

the WBC sampling fell short due to many people being off island, it

became evident that we would finish ahead of schedule.
counted on Tuesday.

43 persons were

On Wednesday the counting continued and the wind generator work was close
to complete.

On Thursday, the remaining work was.completed and a large island wide
social event took place, with movies and a chicken barbeque.
This was
sponsored by BNL, DOE and the Liktanur crew who did a great job of
cooking and serving the food.
A generator was brought on shore to run

the movies and provide lights.

The evening was memorable in that personal

relationships were strengthened and we felt more as partners ina
cooperative effort‘ rather than outsiders who were not very welcome.

On Friday, the remaining urine samples were gathered, a close out meeting
held and we set sail for Utirik about 11:00a.
The same scenario prevailed on Utirik.
We were met by Acting Magistrate
Harris Joel who had not expected us that early.
Nevertheless, the opening
meeting afforded permission to conduct our work.
Obviously the most
interest was generated by the promise of claims payment and the
explanation of the new agreement.
Work went extremely well on Utirik and BNL counted over 40 persons per day

per full day on station.
The food sample gathering took somewhat less
than one day at each location and the wind generator people utilized all
time available on station.
Reynold DeBrum's careful translations, his rapport, respect for and from
the people of the islands and the mission team, in my opinion, immensely

enhanced DOE missions both instant and future.
curtains that were closed in the past.

His ability opened

A problem arose on Utirik whereby former Magistrate Masa Attari kept
requesting items from us such as fuel.
Our policy whereby Government
owned goods cannot be sold, given or traded for the benefit of any

individual was carefully reviewed with the mission personnel and crew


Mr. Attari has received due recognition in connection with

previous missions to Utirik both on

the Liktanur and the Wheeling.

Dr. Pratt has been made aware of Mr. Attari's boasts on the number of
referrals he has had and will get in the future for his back problem.

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