W. J. Stanley, Director/PASO -3- 3. Simple workable procedures were set up both in Majuro and Ebeye to process and pay claims under the new agreement (since October 1, 1978). In just three days, the Ebeye Government had already paid several claims. 4. A system of reimbursing the MI Government for those few remaining Claims prior to October 1, 1978 was set up and a deadline of December 31, 1979 was set asthe last day PASO would accept invoices for those old claims. 5. The MI Government seems very comfortable with these arrangements and I believe the DOE/TTPI/Marshalls Government/Rongelap~Utirik people relationship has been enhanced. 6. The people of poth atolls and their Nitijela representatives resent that the agreements have been made without input from them and they want to be a party to subsequent agreements. Reynold and I promised to convey the Gesire to the High Commissioner and Chief Secretary. Whole Body Counting Prior to sailing for Rongelap, I met with the BNL personnel to review their mission plans and to review the, various protocols necessary to conducting the mission. They were also briefed on the capabilities of the vessel, the composition of the crew, the H&N contract with U.S. Oceanography and some of the problems we faced on island. The meeting was excellent andmany potential problems were eliminated. We sailed at 9:30a on Saturday, August 21. The ship and equipment were very well organized. Arrived Rongelap 7:00a Monday, August 23 (TT time) and met with the new Magistrate Jabwe. Their radio had been "broken" for a month but we were expected because they heard my announcement over the broadcast station. Reynold DeBrum introduced as Chief Secretary Representative and sent also by Chief Secretary to assist DOE/BNL in their work. The usual opening meeting was held with about 23 persons in attendance. It was cordial and permission was secured to repair wind generators, collect few food samples and begin WBC. 25 persons were counted that day and claims were paid. The magistrate and people were very cooperative and seemed to welcome the WBC program which was carefully explained at the opening meeting. eseee Pac oo Cli cs} It was interesting to note that the person BNL brought to begin work on long range diet studies for selected persons eating food from selected locations was not aware of the sampling done on the 13 atoll survey. Perhaps they don't interrelate but I suggest this reinforces the need for more coordination between principal investigators.