W. J. Stanley, Director/PASO


I requested and was given by the MI Government some $20,000 in currency.
to take with us to Rongelap and Utirik to pay off the remaining claims
from the Majuro listing.
A special point waS made that these claims
were being paid by the MI Government.
DOE's role was only to reimburse
them for covered expenditures.
In addition I designed a form for use by the MI Government which would
be acceptable to us to reimburse them for claims under the new agreement


The new agreement was explained and I believe there

was genuine understanding by the health and finance officials as to
how it should and will work so as to enable payment to claimants when they
need it (as soon as they arrive Majuro or Ebeye).
The government also
translated the agreement into Marshallese at my request so I could distribute
it on Rongelap and Utirik.

Letters of credit $45,000 Majuro, $15,000 Ebeye) preceded me and were
used to reimburse the MI Government “on the spot".
Announcements were put on the air as to the reasons for and dates of the

WBC and claims payment trip. I also had announced BNL's medical schedule
along with their program goals and that persons on BNL roster who wished
to be examined and who lived on outer islands other than Rongelap and

Utirik would have their expenses paid by BNL were to come to Majuro or

Ebeye to meet with the BNL medical team schedule.
This seemed desirable
because it provided covered people an exam opportunity and would be less
costly than sending the team to see one or two people on another outer
On August 23 Reynold DeBrum and I went to Ebeye and went through the

same process with excellent results.

$4,050.00 was paid and procedures -

were set up to begin payments under the new agreement.

During our trip to Rongelap and Utirik the remaining funds were disbursed,
the new agreement was explained.
Any person who felt they had an unpaid
claim or other claim problem was listened to individually and given the
assurance that their problem would be checked out by the MI Government.
Summary of claims situation related to DOE/TTPI agreements:

$37,375.50 was paid out by the MI Government, reimbursed by DOE.

This was most welcome, of course, by the affected people and by MI
Government officials who were feeling pressure by claimants.

A much better understanding of what the past and present agreements
Provide was imparted to both MI administrative officials, members





of the Nitijela (MI Legislature)

and people directly affected.

Select target paragraph3