have been and still are available for emergency
civil defense needs in the areas where they are
located. As the local civil defense monitoring
teams arc organized, we hope that these AEC teams
can be reserved for the AEC's own cmergency usec,
"The preparation and publication, jointly, with
the Department of Defense, of the propulsive value,
offects of atomic weapons, with which you are
doubtless familiar. Despite recent advances in
weapons development, this volume continues to be
qualitatively accurate in most significant respects
and remains the most valuable single source of

information on weapons aspects. We will, of course,
revise this publication from time to time as the new
knowledge lcarned in our weapons test programs become
available. But for present purposes, it provides
a very sound basis for civil defense planning.
"The participation of Commission people as
consultants and advisers in the civil defense
exercises held in Wishington, Seattle and Chicago

in 1950, under the sponsorship of the National
security Resourccs Board.

"The development in cooperation with the Civil

Jefense «administration of cmersyency exposure for

food and water.

"Preparation for the non-seerct bibliography,
for the NSRB. This comprehcusive List of publications on mattcrs related to civil defense cont<ins
more than 400 titles.
"The loan from our emergency stockpile of

radiction detection instruments and radiation sources
to state and local civil defense organizations for
training purposes, To date instruments have been
loaned by vorious AEC instellations to 24 civil
jlefense organizations, in 22 states, and radiation
seurces have been loancd to 21 organizations in 19

"The arrangescnt whereby 25 qualified technical
people from the FCDa, cleared for access to secret
informetion, participated in the list series—of
atomic weapons tests in Nevada--this would be BusterJangle last fall~-as working observers and radiation safety technicians."



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