Dr. T. L, Shipman, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
Mr. W, E. Reynolds, Public Buildings Administration
Mr, W. C,. Clerk, Public Buildings Administration
Mr. H. K, Gayer, FCDA
Biomedical Planningand Screening Committee

Dr. Shields Warren, Biology & Medicine, AEC
Dr, Howard Andrews, USPHS
Dr, Alvin C. Graves, LASL, AEC
Capt. H, H. Haight, Military Application, AEC
Dr. George V, LeRoy, University of Chicago
Dr. W. Randolph Lovelace, Il, Lovelace Foundation
Dr. Wright Langham, LASL, AEC
Dr. T. L. Shipman, LasL, AEC
Dr, E, G. Williams, FCDA
Mr. Corsbie followed by talking about shelters
and summarized the current status of the construction screening committee.
Mr, Corsbie closed his remarks by setting forth
what had been done by the AEC to assist the FCDA
and he quoted the following excerpts from remarks
made by Commissioner Glennan to State Directors of
Civil Defense at a meeting held on January11, 1952
which are as follows:
"The sponsorship in 1950 of a series of instructor
training courses in radiological monitoring tech-

niques, and the medical and nursing aspects of atomic
During these courses 33 radiolosical
monitors, 157 doctors and 7O nurses received

training, These people are now available as a
cadre of instructors for use by state and local
governments in their civil defense programs,
"The establishment of emergency radiation
monitoring teams in 18 different locations in the
United States. Although these were established
mainly to meet the needs of the AEC itself, they
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