Greenhouse ~
Dr. LeRoy

Dr. LeRoy advised the Committee that the
final report of the Biomedical program at Operation
Greenhouse would sson be available,

He revicwed

the summaries and conclusions of what was learned
from the whole operations, and stated it was the
sense of the biomedical group that such a largescale study need not be duplicated,

The project

seems adequate as a base line to enable the planning
of several much sraller projects, well conceived
and executed on a statistically sisnificant scale,
Dr, LeRoy further stated that the description of
the procedure for the biomedical programms been
written in some detail principally for the benefit
of experinenters who nay be requircd to plan

comparable studies in the future,

It was felt

that the additional effort and oxp.nse required to
conduct the biomedical program at Eniwetok was
justified by the results,
Sub-Human Primates
Dr, Dunhan

Dr. Dunham enlarged upon nis previous statements
in reference to the work now being undertaken on
sub-human primates.

The Committee displayed a great

deal of interest in the purport of the progress
reports on projects under the guidance of Dr,

W, Magown and Dr, andrew H. Dowdy of-Ucha;

Ur, Theo. C. Ruch of the University of Washington
School of Medicine, Scattle, Washington;

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