


-DOD DIR 5200.10

put is less likely and capobilities (3), (4) and (5) most likely would

be exercised in the event of open hostilitics between the United States

ond the USSR, It is believed thet information as to the operations of
JTF SEVEN and the results thereof would be of more practical value to the
Soviets than hindering or impeding the operations

2. SECURITY: Security of classified information is the normel ree
sponsibility of Unit Commanders but this responsibility must be reevaluated
in the Pacific Proving Ground whore these operotions are dealing with atomic
energye The responsibility of each individual in properly safeguarding
clrssified information concerning atomic energy and in preventing its
compromise by careless talk or correspondence must be understood by all
military ranks and civilians.
3 GENERAL CONCEPTION; The general conception of the measures to
provide security during the non-operational period are generally the same
as during operational periods except where local conditions render them


These measures are as follows:

ENIWETOK ATOLL is under the general protection of CINCPAC.

be ENIWETOK ATOLL is closed to all vossels, aircraft and personnel
except those cleared for access in accordance with the provisions estabe
lished by CINCPAC 020, dated 1 April 1952,

All assigned personnel will be cleared for loynity and security


Reguintions governing security published by the DOD and the AEC

in accordance with the varying degrees of responsibility.

continue to apply to mombors of JiF SEVEN,

(1) APR 205-1 and AFR 205-6.

Headquarters, JI¥ SEVEN Sccurity Momoranda
Espoinnge Acte
Atomic Energy Act of 1946
AEC-DOD Classification criterias

e. Commanders are responsible for security training of membors of
their commands, Prior to the commencomont of the operational phase all
personnel will be required to pass a basic security examination, prepared
and distributed by Headquarters, JI¥ SEVEN,
f. During the intorim phase an officer will be designated as
Security Officer whose duties will include security training, enforcement
of security rogulations and act as sccvurity linison with Task Group 72

and 4&C Security Offices in the Pacific Proving Ground.

4, PARSONNEL CLEARANCES: All persornel having access to classifiod
information will be cleared in accordance with AFR 205=6, datod 26 april
1954 and CJTF SEVEN Security Momoranda,
Se CLASSIFICATION: "Classificetion Guide for Operction C.STLE" con~
cerning 111 pertinent classification criteria will be used until rescinded .



and replaced.

DOD DIR 5200.10

Select target paragraph3