
entire survey,

As you are all aware, the Brookhaven National Laboratory medi-

cal team has had some very difficult times - from a public relations standpoint in the past,

Their medical care has been excellent - but we have encountered

some very bad public relations ~ for a variety of reasons,

I informed our

medical group that we had two goals - good medical care and good public relations,

I hoped that public relations would be integrated with the ship -

as it has been in the past,

However, ¢.0. - supported by H.B. - seemed to

set up a "ship’s public relations" ~ apart from the medical team,

On one


occasion, I discovered C,C, passing out candy to the children, We had specifically requested the team to refrain from giving candy ashore due to the severe
medical problems of diabstes and dental caries,

JI had a meeting with H.B. and

C.O, and H,B, became furious - demsnding that I put the request “in writing",
4. did and he now has that document,
ay more PUG


IJ also asxed them to check with me before

psuualLls wore seu Adulte

Tuc scoune Ob Uo contact was that

“C.0, mounted his own public relaticns progran,

He is a strong entrepreneur -

and his program was a unilateral cne - to the detriment of the medical program,
Tne people of the islands, I was informed by our Marshallese nurse, were very
aware of the conflict between the ship and the medical party and were curious
as to its cause,

However, C.O, was giving gifts - and the medical group was

essentially isolated and the "good guys" appeared to be the ship’s crew and


This problem was most prevalent on Rongelap but was also present,

to a limited degree on Utirik,


I consider that this unilateral public relation

program contributed ‘tc a decrease in the credibility and stature of the Brookhaven Nations 1 Laboratory medical greup,

I sincerely regret that this situation

was allowed to develop anc feel it was detrimental to DOE and SNL,
The ship gave the magistrate an autographed picture of the ship in

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