
his harbor inscribed "to our friend Nickodemus from the crew of the Liktanur II",
In addition, Nick and some others were given "Egabrag" (garbage - spelled backwards) t-shirts - worn by the entire crew - including H.B.,

I had previously

been chided by Oscar DeBrum that DOE was sending out a “garbage scow” as our
"hospital ship",

He was semi~serious - and several other Marshallese and Amer-

icans made this same observation,

Note: Many, or most of the previous problems involved or were discussed
with Harry Brown with marginal success, In addition to the previously
mentioned problems with H,B,:

He failed to provide towels for the medical team - some towels

were found in the medical supplies but they were in short supply,

He failed to pass to C,0. the survey logistic letter - so that

WUC Ube suppaieo arsavou Cee Ulaucd Ulio medivad voau Lor tue slWwiago pauvuauu,
C, H.B.*s insistance that I deal only with him placed a block ‘between
the ship and the scientific party .

As a result, the ship position, at anchor

at Rongelap and at Utirik was not in the best position in the opinion of the
medical party - some of whom have been coming out here for twenty years,


addition, C.0. asked the Marshallese medical team through H.B. to assist hin
in piloting the ship into harbor at Rongelap and Utirik,

Dr, John Iaman was

not happy with this request but attempted to help.
At Utirik the advice of the Marshallese was ignored and the ship
missed the narrow pass by two hundred yards (south),
the reef with four feet to spare,

As we approached the reef we saw a Marshal-

lese bozt coming toward us through the pass,
off shore we could have had a pilot,

The ship just got over

If we had waited thirty minutes

Instead, the ship was placed in great

Select target paragraph3