
After we crossed the reef, the ship dropped anchor and the Marshallese

boat tied up ~- astern,

Five Marshallese were in the boat,

vited aboard - a common courtesy - on any ship,
aboard to serve as a pilot across the atoll,

They were not in-

Finally, one man was asked

I later found out the man at the

tiller of the Marshallese boat was the new magistrate of the island,

I found

this a breach of common courtesy and very embarrassing,


Medical Team Problems

H.B. and C.O. were aware of my problems with Dr, Bilz Grant and

my attempts to solve those problems,

On the last day at Utirik, I went ashore

and spent four hours in sick call, assisted by Dr. John Taman,

We delivered

a large amount of drugs and medical equipment and supplies to the health aid but when I left at noon - at least twenty patients were still waiting,

I had

veen lnutormed oy U.0,, tne prior cay, tnat a iarge storm was moving towaro utiri«
and he advised leaving a day ahead of our scheduled departure,

I agreed tc

this because we had ciscovered a pre-eclamptic lady who needed to be evacuated
to Kwajalein as goon as possible - with the least amount of trauma,
of the weather forecast I decided to leave carly,
people thought we were deserting them,

In light

I am afraid some of the

In addition, the island had planned

a "going away" party for tne team tha evening of our departure,

We attempted

to have a combined BNL/Island party the evening before departure but the magistrate had not understood that we were leaving early,

C,0, had an expensive veather

facsimile recorder in his stateroom and I presumed the forecast was accurate,
The trip back to Kwajalein was relatively smooth,

The pre-eclamptic

lady delivered her child at sea at 2230 the evening of departure,
was accompanying her,

After the child was delivered, the grandmother took



charge of the baby until she became seasick,


Her mother

I then suggested to H.B. that

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