
since we were running down wind in a quartering sea, we might alter course to
Roi Namur ~ which would put us on a course almost dead ahead of the wind and
give the patients a smoother ride,
course was ordered,

He considered the idea but no change in

The ship followed the longest approach route to Echo

Pier ~ estimated to be four hours longer than entry through Meck Pass,


‘The previous listing and discussions of the problezs, as I saw them, is
subnitted to serve as documentation of the problems and hopefully to stimulate
a meeting vhere these problems can be discussed and pre-empted in the future,
I have asked to see a copy of the contract between DOE/H&N and U.S, Oceanograpny and have been unsble to see one,

I would like to know what percentage

of the U,S, Geannseranhy contract budget is being charged to the Brookhaven
National Laboratory Marshall Islands Medical Program and if any penalty clauses
were written into that contrect,
Since I was aware that Mr, C, Otterman was a flamboyant entrepreneur
who liked to wine and dine and otherwise entertain his prospective clients -

I informed Harry Brown that I wanted to keep our dealings (H.S.P. and C.0.)
on a strictly business level,

I would accept no gifts from Chuck Otterman,

I hope that other DOE personnel have been able to resist his charming offers
of "hospitality",


As I informed Harry Brown, I respect Mr, Otterman's accomplishments,
but I do not respect his methods of operation,




Hugh S, Pratt, M.D.
Director - Marshall Island Project
Brookhaven National Laboratory

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