cannons" used on old sailing ships to protect the gangwey,

This cannon was

mounted just forward of the gangway on the Liktanur II,

On February 6, 1979 - sometime after 2100 ~ the cannon was fired
twice (I understand with + pound of black powder),
“toilet paper and tin foil” and was fired “aft",

The cannon was loaded with
Since the side the cannon

was on was parallel with the shore - the flash must have been directed toward
some part of the island,

I was asleep in hold #2 at the time and didn't per-

ceive the noise as a cannon shot,

On February 7, 1979, the cannon was fired

again after 2100 with the same load,

However, on this occasion, immediately

following the hoom, a seven year old child cried out and stated he was struck
by a projectile from the cannon,

I understand he continued to cry for some

Again I was below deck, asleep, and unaware of what was going on,

boy's fathsr was very upset that the DOE ship would injure his son,


When I

was informed of this episode the following morning, I confronted H.R. and C.0.
with this episede, and H.R. said "the boy was lying", and became very angry
secause I was questioning him about the matter,
the magistrate and there was “no problem",

He stated he had checked with

I then checked with. the magistrate

(Nick) and he said to forget it "no harm was done",

I asked to see the boy

and his father to apologize but Nick said that wasn't necessary - the boy was

his nephew,



While the medical team was working aboard ship, H.B. and C,0.

were busy "making friends" ashore,

In fact, C,O, assisted in the feeding of

the magistrate's (Nick's) infirmed father ashore,

During the same period, C.0.

bought up most of the worthwhile handicrafts ashore - before the medical team
could select - and they were left with the worst goods,
were given to the ship’s crew - none to the medical team,

Many fishingballs
I think this is a

good time to bring up one of the most serious problems encountered in the

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