




Medical Team Problems


I have discussed at some length the problem with the lack of

"walk on capability" offered by U.S. Oceanography in their proposal (enclosure

H.8., C.0., and I discussed an alternative method of patient transfer via

the DOE Boston Whalers,

(The ship had failed to bring their two whalers -

listed as ship's equipment in their proposal,)

The DOE Whalers, I had been

informed by the Glcbal marine department, were in "bad shape" yet they were
the only available Loats for patient transfer,

I indicated that if at anytime

I felt the operation was hazardous, I would stop the transfer - and if necessary
avort tne trip - or move operations to tne isiana - a very poor aiternative,
since one of our prime goals on this survey was chest x-rays,

After vigorous

urging, the ship fabricated a raft to fit under the gangway so tnat the patients
could step from the boat to a semi-stable 8x8 platform before they climbed up
the gangway,
the bow,

On shore the boat was beached and the patients handec in over

At low tide this was a difficult task,

When we reached Rongelap ~- and it began to rain - I asked repeat--

edly for a tarpaulin to protect the patients and the medical staff - a series
of make-shift pieces of canvas were rigged but they were barely adequate especially with the high winds,

I repeatedly asked if they had spare canvas

and a grommet machine and was told they had one - but I never saw it used,
The user's dining area - aft on the 0-1 level was completely open,

I had

commented on this in San Diego and was told a series of canvas panels would
be fabricated to protect this area from the wind and rain when we needed it,

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