
We frequently needed protection during the fourteen days, but no effort was
made to rig protective canvas,

(I doubt if it was available,)

In San Diego we acreed a waiting bench would be installed in the

forecastie - for patients waiting to go down to x-ray,

The bench was never

I had to repeatedly esk to move the motorcycle stored there to

make room for the patients,

It was agreed that a second shaving mirror would be installed

cver the sink in the laboratory to handle the fourteen men all getting up at
the same time,


That mirror was never instailed as reouested,

My plans calied for an x-ray pass through box to be installed

in the wall of the ceveloping rooin to facilitate the x-ray procedure,
space vas left for the box and we were foresd


to put it in a corner - greatly

limiting its usefulness,

‘he storage space allotted to Une meaical party was volaaly


Apparertly H.B. hed failed to pass on to C.O. our logistic letter -

giving some idea of our storage requirements,

As our gear came aboard, C.0O.

became more and wore agitated and finally ordered the island food gifts to be
stored beneath the medical party's bunks - leaving no room for storage of
the medics] party's hegeare,


The ship's brochure stated a two ton freezer capecity = yet the
perisheble fruit for the islands was kept in the medical berthing area and
many oranges rotted,

2, Ship-Safety

Throughout the entire cruise, no organized safety drill or in-

struction was given by the ship,

We were not informed where the life vests






were stored or how to use the life rafts.

(Many of the medical party were

Select target paragraph3