
barbecus rill,

I indicated to H.B. that I "didn't like" the work priorities

on the ship - prior to its arrival on Kwajalein,

From that point on, communi-

cations between H.B. and myself were strained at best.

It seemed to me, as

well as a number of other observers on Kwajalein, that H.B. had become, in
essence, a member of C.0.°s crew,

His role, as I understood it initially,

was to serve as an impartial mediator and liason for the BNL/U.S. Oceanography

In fact, on February ist, the night before we sailed, (C.0.) had a party
for his crew and their families at the Yokwe Yuk Club - H.B, sat at his left

The party was loud and boisterous,

C.0O. frequently used profane lan-

guage and both H.B. and C.G. were heard to make some “very disparaging and
vicious personal remarks about you (Dr, Pratt)" - during the meal,

These re-

marks were overheard by Mr, and Mrs, Frank Cataldo, sitting at the next table,
On the way out of the dining room, the Cataldo's stopped by to aniorm me o1
the situation,

The following day several other friends on the island in-

formed me that C.0O. had made himself ~ and unfortunately some of his crew persona-non-grata on Kwajalein - by their actions,
Shortly before we were to sail, R. DeBrum, our outer island pilot, was

“taken ill",

HB. then went directly to Paul LaPointe and indicated he (H.B,)

was going to request Paul's services for the trip,

Mr, LaPointe refused to

I would suggest DOE contact Mr, LaPointe directlyto ascertain exactly

what made him take this action,

The ship therefore ssiled without an outer

island pilot,
During the fourteen days the medical team was aboard, a number of serious
problems arose,

I attempted to discuss these problems either with H.B. alcne,

or with H.B. and C.0, together (they were together much of the time),
I have categorized the problems in the following areas:

SUS 1S 35

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