

Broadcasting Company television crew as well as other


On 3! March 1977, LTG Johnson was relieved as Director, DNA, by
Vice Admiral Robert R. Monroe, USN. Shortly after the change of
command, the last OPLAN development conference was conducted in
Albuquerque on 25-29 April 1977 to resolve outstanding issues and
produce a version of the OPLAN which, while not having final approval,
could be used for planning purposes. A number of comments had been
received by Field Command on the items approved at the previous
conference, and these and the four open items from that meeting were

considered. Some of the suggestions were accepted or modified and some
were rejected. The four outstanding issues were resolved as follows:34!
a. The LCU issue had been coordinated informally by Field Command,
Army, and Navy representatives between conferences and waseasily

resolved. The Army would provide three LC Us, instead of two, from

its reserve at Okinawa, and the Navy would provide the additional

b. The medical doctor issue also had been resolved informally before
the conference by discussions among Field Command, PACAF,and
USASCH. It was agreed that the Air Force would furnish two

doctors, one for Enewetak Campand one for Lojwa Camp.

c. The helicopter issue was resolved by the Armyagreeing that, while
the primary helicopter missions were MEDEVAC and SAR, the
Army Element Commander could use them for command, control,
and logistical purposes. The Army further agreed that, on a case-bycase basis, the helicopters could be madeavailable to other elements,

including the CJTG, for related missions.


d. The ERDAcertification issue had been resolved: at a DNA-DOE
headquarters-level conference early in April 1977, at which the

question of how DOE would certify radiological aspects of the cleanup
was discussed. It was agreed that certification would be island-by-

are wk Bh

island, instead of for the atoll as a whole. Although the formatfor





certification was left for future decision, the basic issue of DOE

certification was agreed upon and an appropriate text for the OPLAN


A numberof other points were raised at the final OPLAN conference;
e.g., law enforcement, administration, military justice, and civil affairs.
These were resolvedsatisfactorily, and the OPLANwas officially approved
for planning purposes by the Service, DOE and Field Command

Manning and Progranuning


representatives. it was printed by Field Command
as rapidly as possible

and distributed in May 1977. On {5 Jun 1977 (D-Day), VADM
approved the OPLAN for execution and the Enewetak Clean
up Project
was Officially begun.

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