the return of the former peoples in coming years.

While it is

too s0on to definitely state when the Bikinians may be returned,
preparations and planning should start as soon as possible.

Central to the purpose of the rehabilitation of the entire
atoll will be the provision of physical facilities, infrastrutures, and the agricultural reclamation of the lands now given
to the encroachment of much wild vegetation.

Planning of the

entire rehabilitation program is of prime importance and
dnelude plans for sites for villages,

coconut groves,


community facilities,

subsistence crop areas,


The Bikini situation, a stepchild of a former Navy
Administration, may well turn out to produce more adverse
problems for the Trust Territory Government if serious and
liberal planning is not directed to an early and intelligent
repatriation of the Bikinians.

Few things could be more produc-

tive of controversy than the unwelcome dislocation of life
experienced by the Bikini people in deference to the testing of
destructive weapons of war.

At present much resentment and

dissatisfaction are voiced by the Bikini people, who now reside
on the lagoon-less island of Kili.

Their relocation from an-

atoll with an abundant resource of fish in its large lagoon to a
tiny island which 1s unaccessible by small boats six months of
the year because of heavy seas does not help to assuage this

Frequent requests are made by the Bikinians to

return to their former homes and most of them earnestly believe
that their return will be soon.

As a consequence these people
Oenartment of Ener
Historian’s Office

Select target paragraph3