An agricultural survey was completed by the writer along

with the AEC survey team consisting of personnel from the

University of Washington, USN Radiological Defense Laboratory,
AEC, N.Y. Health and Safety Laboratory, Division of Operational
Safety and

the Division of Biology and Medicine on the former

nuclear testing ground of Bikini Atoll, during the period of

April 23 to May 7, 1967.

The primary purpose of the survey was

to determine the residual radioactivity on the islands.
radioactivity from the many nuclear test


shots conducted in

Bikini will affect the final decision to repatriate the former
Bikini people to their original homes.

The agricultural survey

considered the physical and ecological characteristics, with
general recommendations for reclamation of the islands towards
complete rehabilitation of the atoll.

It can be said that

Bikini, like most all coralline atolls, affords an environment
not harsh, but marked by a lack of diversity----agriculture is
one of copra production and at a subsistence level.



major emphasis should be on the cultivation of coconuts and

other local subsistence crops which are suited to these




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As the radiation levels on the atoll decrease to a point
safe for human habitation, preparations toward the repatriation
of the Bikini people now residing on Kili Island should be

seriously considered.

It may well be, according to final deci-

sions from the administering authorities and the Atomic Energy
Commission, that Bikini may be granted a safe bill of health for

Select target paragraph3