have no Gesire to exert their energies in improving the

agricultural productivity of Kili, even with frequent clarific-

ation of the permanency of their residence on Kili Island have
an adamantine belief,
Present Conditions of Bikini Atoll

Bikini Atoll, consisting of 36 islands with a land area of
2.32 square miles, is situated in the northern Marshailse 11

degrees 29 minutes to 11 degrees 43 minutes North Latitude, 165
degrees 11 minutes to 165 degrees 34 minutes East Longitude.
The lagoon extends over an area of 229 square miles.

The soils

of the islands are of the lithosol and regosol group, and in

terms of profile they oonsist of 3 horizons----A, (zone of

incorporated organic matter), A (transitional) the horizon
passing directly into the relatively unaltered parent material,
the C horizon.

The annual rainfall is much lower than the

southern atolls, but considered adequate for cultivation of
Plants siutable to atolls, and perhaps ranges from 60 to 90
Department of Energy

inches per year.


Historian’s Office

AB a result of damage incurred by the series of nuclear
test explosions,

the vegetation is atypical of other atolls----

all of the islands have little or no coconuts and pandanus and
are covered with thick stands of Scaevola, Messerschmidia,

Cordia, Pisonia, etc,
the islands.

Other subsistence crops are absent from

Although two islands, Bokbata and Bokanejen on the

Select target paragraph3