-6for the analysis of the sciuntific projects thot are being vestablished as well
as the codes for the finnncial and the functional budgets.

A survey of the equioment was made
by the Committe. and 2 demonstration of its cncration was very ibly eresented


by iiss Rosemary Elio.
Visit to National RBurcau

The Committce visited the National

of Standards

Burcau of Standards on Friday

efternoon to review the work that is buing sponsorcd oy th .tomic mnergy

They expressed many favorable comments on the manner in whicn

Dre ue Ye. austin, the Director of the Burcau, and Dr. L. S. Taylor, the Chicf,
acomic md iidiation Physies Division, have organized the vork.

They had

planned an interesting itinerary, and 2 summary of cach program was presented.
The progren 18 attached as Appendix 3.

Saturday, Januzr, 10, 1953:
Reactor accident - Chaik

The Chairman reconven.d the meeting


at 9300 aym.


séssion by reporting on the reactor accident at Chalk River.

Buyhcr opened tne

Jn connection with

tis ruport he stated t..ut 2 study of the accidunt is now being made by a

sélectud group from .tomice Mnergy Commission installations from which will
emanate a full revort to the Commission.

It was prouht out thet in all

probability the reactor will be simt down for at least six months or longer.
Wenluke Slope

Dr. Bugher advised the Committce that

the Commission has taken action to reluase a relatively small amount of the


Select target paragraph3