
spread throurhout the United States end that they are not concentrated in the
eastern part of the United states, and furthermore, that research contracts
have ocen awarded to colleges and universities in ali but four states of the

Bugner led the discussicn on the

modes of entry to worthy investigators in small institutions.

He stxted tnit

many small institutions sre not aware that support is available for rescarch
purposes, anc they usuezlly suffer from a fecling that thcy would not be able to
obtain an audience if trary attempted to make the necessary contacts.
The remarks thet followed brougnt out
the following suggestions:

A short article could be placed in Science

periodically vointing ou* that the atomic Encrgy Commission (Division of siology
and Medicine) is dusirous of receiving applications for research projects.

such 2n announcenent could be made in the Journal of the umcerican

association of University Professors, the american association of Land Grant
Institutions, and similar journals.

In addition, it was iurther suggested thet

an article of some luenetl. be vlaced in Seiunce from time tc time summarizing the

contracts that have becn aeccoted by the Division of Biology and wedicine and
what hos been accomplished under the sponsorship of the .tomic nergy Commissicn.
ii list of the projects approved during

the month of December, 1952 is attached as unpenaix ia.
Te Betie

Dr. Bugher reportca on the status

of the analysis of our research prozram from the standpoint of the utilization
of punch cards (I.B.m&.).

He described the equipment and cxplained the codes


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